There's no business like Joh business! The musical comedy satirizes the bizarre events that occurred in Australian politics during the Bjelke-Petersen reign. Set at a fundraiser for Joh in 1987, audiences will want to sing along to original tunes such as...
Catch Baby et Lulu on Friday 25 August. "Two lovesick songbirds in a melancholic pas de deux. Superb Australian Stage It is impossible not to be charmed by the hypnotic voices of Baby and Lulu Arts Hub Seducing audiences since their debut release, these s...
Catch Diary of a Wombat from Wednesday 30 August - Friday 01 September. Based on the book by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley, Diary of a Wombat is a fantastic play children everywhere will love. Doormats, bins and washing lines are no match for this misch...
Founded by Emie in 2010, the trio brings together a blend of polished influences in pianist Emie R Roussel, bassist Nicolas B dard and drummer Dominic Cloutier. Theirs is a bold style combining swing with the "kind of urgency and energy that sets them apa...
With a performance certain to be lapped up by new and old fans alike be sure to get your tickets early, this show is sure to sell out. In what will feel like a catch up with an old friend, the intimate gig will see the Bryon Bay singer-songwriter showcase...
The only a cappella group to have ever received an ARIA award, TION's distinctive style and sound has clinched them an enviable reputation both in Australia and overseas, seeing the vocalists perform at major festivals and arenas throughout the world. Win...
Moving into its fourth year, the Understory Film Festival is fast becoming a mainstay of the cultural landscape of Cairns. The festival focuses on locally produced short films and is gaining significant ground for the local industry by providing a develop...
Flickerfest is considered in international circles as the leading Australian competitive short film festival and increasingly filmmakers view it as one of the main festivals on the world circuit. Flickerfest began as a small local festival at the Balmain...
Don't miss Spiderbait Ivy and the Big Apples Tour on Saturday 01 April. 'Ivy and the Big Apples' became home to the chart-topping track 'Buy Me A Pony', which rocketed to the coveted #1 spot in the 1996 triple j Hottest 100, a feat that had never before b...
Dempsey rose to fame as lead singer, guitarist and principal lyricist of rock group, Something for Kate, who racked up double figures for ARIA Awards nominations, won Triple J's Album of the Year and had multiple top ten albums. Following the release of h...